So you've decided that you want to adopt, and maybe foster care is not what you are thinking. That's ok - adoption can still be affordable. You just have to get creative!
Individual families raise funds in a variety of ways - from bake sales to sporting events and everything in between. This list of ideas can help you get started.
There are ways to fund raise online, such as gofundme which allows you to set a goal, tell your story, and collect funds. It is also possible to raise funds on your own blog using pay pal.
Then there is Give 1 Save 1 which is a blog that challenges its followers to give $1 each week to their chosen family of the week in order to help bring another orphan home. Recently, someone I know was the family of the week on Give 1 Save 1 where their story was shared and people were linked to their adoption blog to donate.
Many organizations help fund adoptions through grants and fundraising - some organizations raise money for families and some raise money for specific orphans. Here are just a few.
Show Hope gives grants to families for adoption.
Lifesong for Orphans provides matching grants and no-interest loans to families for adoption.
Reece's Rainbow raises funds for the adoption of specific children with Down Syndrome.
Love Without Boundaries raises funds for the adoption of specific children from China.
And there are so many more! This list can help you find the right organization for your adoption journey.
There is also an adoption tax credit: a specific amount that can be deducted from your tax liability. The amount changes every year and cannot exceed your actual expenses. Also, it is not a refund; it is a deduction.
Be encouraged. If you desire to adopt, it can be a reality!
If adoption is not something you are called to, maybe you can help donate to someone who is called. Together we can care for the orphans.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
Family fun
I learned about sensory bins here and decided to try them out. I made very simplified versions of the Doc McStuffins one and the dinosaur one. I made them for my 7 year old, but my husband and 10 year old had tons of fun playing with the dinosaurs. I used an old plastic container, a bag of split peas I had on hand, and a bag of dinosaurs I bought for $1. Totally worth it! I will be trying out more of these in the future.

Coloring night at our house was also a success. We were all bored. There was nothing to do. Well nothing that we could think of that was free and not outside in the heat. So we broke out the coloring books, crayons, markers, and colored pencils. We spent hours coloring together and listening to music. It was an amazing night of free family fun.

Coloring night at our house was also a success. We were all bored. There was nothing to do. Well nothing that we could think of that was free and not outside in the heat. So we broke out the coloring books, crayons, markers, and colored pencils. We spent hours coloring together and listening to music. It was an amazing night of free family fun.
The blessing of free
I just have to share another story of blessing and provision.
We have been wanting to get another bed, something larger for my teenage son that could double as a guest bed. Mattresses are so expensive - ouch! We had company coming for the weekend and thought maybe we should just give in and make the purchase... when out of the blue we received an email about a free bed. Coincidence? I think not.
That same week, as we were looking over the budget that was stretched too thin, a dear friend showed up with several boxes of food. It was a blessing that was neither expected nor asked for but that's what made it so special.
"Your Father knows what you need before you ask him." Matt 6:8
We have been wanting to get another bed, something larger for my teenage son that could double as a guest bed. Mattresses are so expensive - ouch! We had company coming for the weekend and thought maybe we should just give in and make the purchase... when out of the blue we received an email about a free bed. Coincidence? I think not.
That same week, as we were looking over the budget that was stretched too thin, a dear friend showed up with several boxes of food. It was a blessing that was neither expected nor asked for but that's what made it so special.
"Your Father knows what you need before you ask him." Matt 6:8
Monday, July 15, 2013
Adoption is affordable - Part 2
(Adoption is such a complex issue. This installment will focus on the adoption of older children. My words are meant to inspire and encourage, never to guilt.)
I have had several conversations lately with people who are older (meaning they are beyond child-bearing age and/or are empty-nesters) who have expressed a desire to adopt but feel like it is too late for them. On the contrary, it may be the perfect time to adopt. Sure, you don't want to have a baby when you turn 50, but how about a teenager? Older children are less likely to be adopted. In fact, one of the "special needs" children have is being a teenager. Yep, you read that right. Just being an older child causes the likelihood of adoption to drop and therefore earn the label "special needs".
They still deserve a forever family. Can you imagine your life from age 18 on with no one to call family? No where to go for holidays; no father to walk you down the aisle; no grandparents for your children? Yet that is precisely what happens when children age-out of the foster care system. They turn 18 (age varies by state) and find that they have no family and often no where to go. In 2011, approximately 40,000 children were emancipated. Emancipation - an ironic term that sounds like freedom but freedom from what? Freedom from love and security?
What does this have to do with adoption being affordable? I think many people may hesitate to adopt an older child at least partly due to financial concerns. Not only the anticipated cost of an adoption, but also the costs associated with caring for a child. A child that will soon drive, and go to college, and get married, and ... we may start to see $$$.
Here are some little known facts about how the foster care system wants to HELP you adopt.
1. Adoption Assistance - Some children qualify for adoption assistance, which is a set amount of money that you receive each month to help cover the costs of caring for the child. The amount varies greatly based on factors such as age, medical needs and other special needs.
2. Health Insurance - Most children will qualify for Medicaid until they turn 18 even after they are adopted. This means free health care, such as doctor visits and prescriptions.
3. College Tuition - Some states (including mine) have amazing college tuition funding for older children that are adopted from foster care (typically those over 12).
With 104,000 children in the U.S. foster care system currently waiting to be adopted, it's time we dispel the common myths about adoption from foster care. If you have ever thought about adoption but have questions or hesitations, feel free to comment or contact me directly - I'd love to hear from you.
I have had several conversations lately with people who are older (meaning they are beyond child-bearing age and/or are empty-nesters) who have expressed a desire to adopt but feel like it is too late for them. On the contrary, it may be the perfect time to adopt. Sure, you don't want to have a baby when you turn 50, but how about a teenager? Older children are less likely to be adopted. In fact, one of the "special needs" children have is being a teenager. Yep, you read that right. Just being an older child causes the likelihood of adoption to drop and therefore earn the label "special needs".
They still deserve a forever family. Can you imagine your life from age 18 on with no one to call family? No where to go for holidays; no father to walk you down the aisle; no grandparents for your children? Yet that is precisely what happens when children age-out of the foster care system. They turn 18 (age varies by state) and find that they have no family and often no where to go. In 2011, approximately 40,000 children were emancipated. Emancipation - an ironic term that sounds like freedom but freedom from what? Freedom from love and security?
What does this have to do with adoption being affordable? I think many people may hesitate to adopt an older child at least partly due to financial concerns. Not only the anticipated cost of an adoption, but also the costs associated with caring for a child. A child that will soon drive, and go to college, and get married, and ... we may start to see $$$.
Here are some little known facts about how the foster care system wants to HELP you adopt.
1. Adoption Assistance - Some children qualify for adoption assistance, which is a set amount of money that you receive each month to help cover the costs of caring for the child. The amount varies greatly based on factors such as age, medical needs and other special needs.
2. Health Insurance - Most children will qualify for Medicaid until they turn 18 even after they are adopted. This means free health care, such as doctor visits and prescriptions.
3. College Tuition - Some states (including mine) have amazing college tuition funding for older children that are adopted from foster care (typically those over 12).
With 104,000 children in the U.S. foster care system currently waiting to be adopted, it's time we dispel the common myths about adoption from foster care. If you have ever thought about adoption but have questions or hesitations, feel free to comment or contact me directly - I'd love to hear from you.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Summer boredom busters
There are two words that I cannot stand to hear; "I'm bored."
For some reason summer seems to bring boredom. Who knew that my kids really loved school? Right? We are so blessed with so many things that honestly I get upset when kids say they are bored. You have a room full of toys? Sports equipment in the garage? Shelves full of books? You have more than most kids in the world could ever dream of. Yet, I think my kids really just lack some imagination or direction in what to do with their time.
So, last summer I came up with an idea. What if I made a list of all the possible things they could do that don't cost money? Then they could look at it and make a choice for themselves rather than expecting me to be the cruise ship director of their summer fun. I made a list on our chalkboard and added to it throughout the summer. In fact, I told them that if they uttered those dreadful two words I would have only one conclusion to draw - they must have done everything on the board and obviously need more chores.
I have to say it worked fairly well. The kids caught on quickly and I think in the end they had more fun than even I anticipated. With our family moving this summer, I almost forgot about the boredom board. I think it's about time to get started again.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Curtain Rehab
Moving into a new house has its challenges. Who knew that one of them would be curtains?
I really hate buying new stuff. Really. So, I tried to make as many of the curtains from our last house "work" in the new one. Other than the fact that the new house has many more windows (which means buying more curtains) the biggest problem was was in fact a "big" problem. As in, all the windows here are big, much bigger than the old house's windows. And the ceilings are higher. Even though I hung the curtains as low as possible, which goes against all decorating sense, they still came up short. This made for some awkward looking curtains.
I really hate buying new stuff. Really. So, I tried to make as many of the curtains from our last house "work" in the new one. Other than the fact that the new house has many more windows (which means buying more curtains) the biggest problem was was in fact a "big" problem. As in, all the windows here are big, much bigger than the old house's windows. And the ceilings are higher. Even though I hung the curtains as low as possible, which goes against all decorating sense, they still came up short. This made for some awkward looking curtains.
Large window - Short curtains |
A close-up of the "problem" |
Fortunately, most curtains have a fairly large hem. I decided to let out the hem. With a little ironing and stitching across the bottom, they look great! I didn't even take them down to do this. I will definitely be repeating this process all over my house. It was a quick and free fix.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Adoption is affordable - Part 1
(This post has been weeks, maybe even months, in the making. I have so much to say on this topic that it will be posted in installments.)
When we first adopted our youngest son, I was amazed at how many people mentioned their own desire to adopt. Yet, without fail almost every person voiced the same concern. "We really want to adopt, but it's just too expensive." I want to dispel the myth that adoption has to be expensive. Obviously, if we can do it - so can you!
Private infant adoption and international adoption can be costly. We chose to adopt through the foster care system. Staying local cuts obvious costs like flights and hotels, as well as other costs involved such as international fees and visas. The main cost difference between private and foster care adoption is that the government pays most of the fees associated with adoption through foster care.
That doesn't mean it is free, but it is significantly less expensive. All adoptions start with the same costs - a home study. The home study will involve background checks, finger printing, home fire safety inspection, CPR/First Aid training, and possible other small costs. There are many factors but you should estimate about $1,000 to cover all of the costs. Once your home study is finished there are few if any costs involved in an adoption through foster care.
However, cost is only one of many considerations when adopting. I think there is a stigma in adopting from foster care. I have heard things such as: "Aren't they all special needs?" "Don't they all have problems?" "I heard you can only adopt teenagers." I'm sure most people are well-meaning, but honestly my biological children have problems and one has a learning disability. That doesn't mean anything to me. A child in foster care has obviously had a disadvantage in life - they have experienced great loss at an early age. This is true in every adoption story.
The subject of age is another matter. It is true that adopting an infant from foster care is unlikely. That is because the system of foster care is always hoping for reunification. By the time it is obvious that reunification is impossible, most children are older. There are times when parents willingly relinquish an infant, but more often than not legally free (adoptable) children are already over the age of 4.
My husband was so over diapers and potty training and sleepless nights that a 4-year-old sounded just about right. Our youngest was 8 at the time, so we wanted a child under 8. No problem, within six weeks of finishing all of the paperwork we were told that a special little 5-year-old would be our son. Every story and situation is different, but if you are not pursuing adoption because of the cost, be encouraged. Adoption is affordable!!
When we first adopted our youngest son, I was amazed at how many people mentioned their own desire to adopt. Yet, without fail almost every person voiced the same concern. "We really want to adopt, but it's just too expensive." I want to dispel the myth that adoption has to be expensive. Obviously, if we can do it - so can you!
Private infant adoption and international adoption can be costly. We chose to adopt through the foster care system. Staying local cuts obvious costs like flights and hotels, as well as other costs involved such as international fees and visas. The main cost difference between private and foster care adoption is that the government pays most of the fees associated with adoption through foster care.
That doesn't mean it is free, but it is significantly less expensive. All adoptions start with the same costs - a home study. The home study will involve background checks, finger printing, home fire safety inspection, CPR/First Aid training, and possible other small costs. There are many factors but you should estimate about $1,000 to cover all of the costs. Once your home study is finished there are few if any costs involved in an adoption through foster care.
However, cost is only one of many considerations when adopting. I think there is a stigma in adopting from foster care. I have heard things such as: "Aren't they all special needs?" "Don't they all have problems?" "I heard you can only adopt teenagers." I'm sure most people are well-meaning, but honestly my biological children have problems and one has a learning disability. That doesn't mean anything to me. A child in foster care has obviously had a disadvantage in life - they have experienced great loss at an early age. This is true in every adoption story.
The subject of age is another matter. It is true that adopting an infant from foster care is unlikely. That is because the system of foster care is always hoping for reunification. By the time it is obvious that reunification is impossible, most children are older. There are times when parents willingly relinquish an infant, but more often than not legally free (adoptable) children are already over the age of 4.
My husband was so over diapers and potty training and sleepless nights that a 4-year-old sounded just about right. Our youngest was 8 at the time, so we wanted a child under 8. No problem, within six weeks of finishing all of the paperwork we were told that a special little 5-year-old would be our son. Every story and situation is different, but if you are not pursuing adoption because of the cost, be encouraged. Adoption is affordable!!
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