Admittedly, I am a coffee snob. There is nothing better than the sound and smell of coffee beans grinding in the morning... or afternoon, or evening for that matter. Good coffee can be hard to come by when you are trying to spend small. It seems like everywhere I turn someone has a Starbucks or Caribou cup in their hand. All I see are dollar signs. I do love a splurge at Starbucks, but at three to five bucks a cup - I know why "bucks" is in their name!
On the other hand, I don't want Folgers either. So, my husband and I embarked on a coffee journey to spend small and still live large. Our journey ended at World Market. They have great tasting whole bean (and ground if you prefer) coffee at a decent price. What's more they have a terrific coffee rewards program that makes the price even better. For every 6 bags of coffee you buy, you get one free. Or if you really want to save, and we do, only buy coffee on Wednesdays when you get double points. That way you only have to buy 3 bags to get one free. They have 10% off coupons in the Sunday paper from time to time and they have coupons for your birthday when you join the rewards program.
Wednesday deal:
3 bags of 24oz at $9.99 = $29.97 (or $26.97 with coupon)
plus 12oz free
that's 84oz for $29.97 or $0.36/oz (or $0.32/oz with coupon)
Compare to:
Folgers ground without a coupon is about $0.26/oz
Starbucks whole bean without a coupon is about $0.65/oz
So, for just a little more than cheap ground coffee, we get quality whole bean coffee. It's worth every penny.
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